Freerider FR1

data ogłoszenia23 listopada 2024
miasto ogłoszeniaAmsterdam
Cena / Stawka godzinowa:
Year of Manufacture 2022 Condition Batteries Brand new Plastics Very good Wheels Excellent Tyres Excellent Seat Excellent Perfect for Weekly Shopping Travel

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    The Freerider FR1 is a stylish 8mph mobility scooter that is a pleasure to drive. It also comes with a variety of handy extras that you are sure to find useful.

    Some of these handy extras include a USB Port, allowing you to charge your phone whilst going along or even plug a sat nav in. You also have two carry baskets, giving you the ability to carry extras on your journey.

    The FR1 will comfortably handle rough terrains such as gravel paths, fields and light sand thanks to its 6 inches of ground clearance, heavy-duty front and rear suspension, powerful motor and reinforced captains seat.

    With a top speed of 8mph, the FR1 will travel up to 26 miles on a single charge and carry a maximum user weight of 28 stone.

    A digital display allows the user to see exactly how much charge has been used, their speed, temperature, time and the distance travelled.

    Due to its robust design, this scooter is perfect for people looking to use their scooter regularly over all types of varying terrains in style and comfort.


    Zadzwoń do Micheal

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